Wednesday, October 23, 2013

syabu atau shabu-shabu?

2 minggu lepas. Keluar jalan-jalan dengan anak2 buah. Masa dalam kereta berhenti kat lampu isyarat merah. 

All of us are talking about shabu-shabu. Planning to eat at shabu-shabu. But suddenly, my 9 years old niece shouted that we can't eat shabu-shabu because it's a drug! Everybody stunned. 

My immediate response: laughing out loud!!! 

After I composed myself, I told her that we are not talking about syabu the drug. But we are talking about shabu-shabu the steamboat restaurant. Then she said she thought we are talking about syabu the drug. I told her it's good for her to know that syabu is a drug and we can't consume it. 

p/s: no doubt, my 9 years old niece must be reading a lot... 

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